Happy Birthday Marketing Pond

Monday, March 24, 2008

Actually it's not today, twas last March 11. I just found out through admin's notice/email to all members. ^.^

Marketing Pond grew to 40k members, I was the 12,256th member when I signed up last year. I didn't know about Marketing Pond's concept before, but I always see the page on traffic exchange and paid to clicks. So I really got curious, and tried searching over at google. Then I found out that it's a downline builder, it lists programs, not just any online earning programs/sites, but which are legit/certified paying programs and those that have longevity factors, and the best of it is it's all FREE. And instead of advertising each of those referral links to the most legit sites, you will only advertise 1 link, and that is, your Marketing Pond's referral link.

I was a total newbie in online earning before, and this program really helped me a lot. I was not sure then of who or what to join, with those hundreds of sites that advertises that you can earn with them, how would I know if they're legit or scam? I don't have much knowledge then of how to know if a site's a scam or not, so Marketing Pond served as my guide.

Marketing Pond not only taught me about online earning, but it has also taught me to believe in myself again. Believe that I can do things for my kids & myself, that I can be really proud of. When you've been a sahm for many years, you would really feel that you're so dependent, and worthless at times. I know my earning's not much, but it's better than nothing at all lolz, and I'm optimistic that I could also achieve what other Marketing Pond members have achieved. Aja! lolz.

THEN.. three months to go, I'll be celebrating my first year on online earning too. How time flies so very very very fast.


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