Monday, January 28, 2008

Click to ViewJillsClickCorner: $1.01

Second payment from this site. It was July when I first reached my first payout here, for I did paid to sign-up offer before that gave me $1. I did a couple of paid-to-signup, about 2 or 3. Then gave up on doing them, because only 1 approved, and that was the $1, yeah it sucks when you do sign-up for an offer then that advertiser won't credit you for what you've done. That's why I don't recommend doing paid to sign-ups.

So this second payment took 6 months to reach the minimum payout again. As you all know, those who frequently visits my blog here, I don't have much referrals, if I do, they're not active ones :(. So really most earnings here you see are fruits of my own labor.


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